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Tips for AI in Career Management

Posted By Administration, Thursday, February 1, 2024
Updated: Friday, January 26, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Bard have catapulted to prominence, with people using them in countless ways. Below is a short list of ideas for using AI to support job seekers in their ongoing professional development and career management as well as in a job search. Each idea has two sample prompts. The quality of the AI response varies dramatically based on the prompt, so it’s important to input thoughtful information.


I recommend coaching job seekers to use AI like they would a research assistant or accountability partner: it can help them generate ideas, but the ultimate responsibility for verifying the information is on them. Crucially, AI has been shown to create fake information, so it’s imperative to view the data it provides as a starting point and not to let it replace a person’s thinking or judgment.


Uses and sample prompts

Explore career options

What is a career path for someone with a/an [insert degree]?

List career options for a teacher [profession] who no longer wants to teach [main skill in profession].

Brainstorm how to leverage skills and passions

How do I combine my skills in [A] and [B] and my love of [C]?

Suggest careers for someone who is in engineering and is both technically strong and creative.

Identify skills to develop or strengthen

What are the top skills needed to be a/an X?

How can I get [skill identified in AI’s response] if I want to be a/an X?


Identify professional growth opportunities

What are prominent professional organizations for [career/job type]?

List the top certifications for professionals interested in becoming a/an [expert].


Analyze job postings and related information

Analyze the following job posting and state the most important skills required for it [paste the job posting text]

Analyze the following strategic plan and list the key priorities a leader needs to know before interviewing for [name of job]. [Insert text of strategic plan]


Learn about industry trends

What are trends in X industry?

What is the economic climate for [name of industry] companies?


Research a company

What is the history of company X?

What is the company culture like at X?


Create a list of companies to apply to in similar fields 

What companies are competitors of [name of company]?

 I want to work for [name of company]. Create a list of companies similar to [name of company].

Help with time management

How can I use tested time management techniques when I’m [doing X at type-of-company]?

What is the [name of time management technique from AI’s response] and how can I use it when [doing X]?

Bottom line

Leveraging AI to help brainstorm ideas pertaining to career management can be a timesaver. Once a job seeker gets some basic ideas from AI, that information can be a great launching pad for more intensive investigation as they manage their careers.

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Comments on this post...

Juanita M. Albin says...
Posted Thursday, March 21, 2024
This is great information! I would love to know your thoughts on ATS (Applicant Tracking System) platforms like TealHQ and Jobscan. These platforms present some interesting insight with regards to best practices (formatting, page length, etc.). Has anyone else given feedback based on their experiences? Thank you!
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